Workshop for road hauliers and freight forwarders

On 11 May 2016, CID International organized the presentation of IT-news on the Nosreti winery premises for its customers. The principal theme was mobile technologies and the role of such advancements in the entire spectrum of our lives, including logistics.
An interesting discussion ensued about the Smartphone application intended for reciprocal communication between the dispatcher and the driver. This application allows on-line transfer of drivers´ activities directly to the Dispatcher Sheet in the LORI system, inclusive of support for automatic formation of electronic STAZ, a module for evidencing incidents (including photo documentation) and working with bar or QR codes.
There was tremendous interest for our web order, built on the MVC (Model-view-controller) platform, for which CID International devised a mobile application for simple entering and transparent checking of orders on the web via a Smartphone.
Other news of interest to the attendees included a module for user editing of printing lists, a new version of the Dispatcher Sheet and a new module for calculation and simulation of the relevant parameters of order selection.
The concluding lectures related to the current founding programmes pertinent to the transportation sector; in particular, the new perspective technologies of the French company SIGFOX that uses a network of ground stations. In the Czech Republic, this is ensured by the T-Mobile company. The main advantage of this solution is ordinal lower operating and purchase costs compared with the current extended GPS and GPRS systems.
The conference was attended by 30 participants from 12 companies. They not only received the introduced news very positively but also appreciated the opportunity to engage in fruitful discussions and hold informal exchange of experience following conclusion of the official part of the programme.
CID International would like to thank all participants for their interest in our solutions and looks forward to having you again at similar occasions.