
The Informational System of the Operative Management (ISOR), which is literally the pulsating heart of the Czech railway traffic, is celebrating incredible 20 years of its existence these days. Let‘s try to briefly review the history of this “flagship” of the OLTIS Group.

The solution for the operating management systems at the regional level was initiated in 1986 and the first phase of the development ended two years later with the processing of the initial project for the system ISOR – Operation Management Informational System. In 1992 a series of trial runs of the ISOR started and since 1997 ISOR can be considered fully network-wide system. Later on the abbreviation ISOR expanded to the whole family of operation management information systems and the original ISOR system (the part system operator) began to be known as ISOR RVD – Controlling the Train Traffic.

Nowadays due to the changing conditions on the railway system ISOR RVD is undergoing the biggest changes in the history of its development. While initially it was a unitary system for unitary railway, in these days there are separate functional modules of infrastructure manager and freight carrier, which is entering the new decade of its existence as fundamentally modernized system DISC OR (Dispatching System of Operational Management).

Since 2005, the OLTIS Group Company operates by an outsourced form the entire key information systems of the infrastructure manager. Millions of messages transmitted every day, operation of all key systems on appropriately powerful hardware and software system with redundant fail-safe solution provides users with superior service without worry and operability greater than 99%.

Let’s wish the system a lot more “accident-free miles,” or more precisely, many more years during which the railway dispatching staff can fully rely on it every single second and during which it will continue to be their most faithful assistant and guide.