Three new EUREKA research and development projects approved

The High Level Group Representative of the EUREKA Program approved our three new research and development projects during his session held on January 2017.
EPLOS (coordinator CID International with the Czech co-partner RELIANT) – the project objective is a complete research and development of software solutions based on a web platform that will serve as a relevant transmission of necessary information affecting all operators throughout the supply chain and infrastructure specialized in the logistics services. The international partners of this project are: University of Žilina, University of Rijeka, Warsaw University and OLTIS Polska.
ERIC Mobil (coordinator JERID) – the main idea of the ERIC system (European Rail Information Centre), as the center of information from the rail freight transport from Europe and Asia encourages to provide this information to the end-users from the transport, forwarding and logistics companies dealing with rail transport directly to their mobile equipment such as smartphones and tablets. The international partners of the project are: University of Žilina, Cracow University of Technology and OLTIS Polska.
OPTILOAD (coordinator OLTIS) – the project objective is a complete research and development of modern web software application that allows gathering of all necessary input data for special goods or equipment, which is planned for rail transportation on open wagons. The international partner of the project is Cracow University of Technology.
The total duration of projects is four years, begining from 2017.
EUREKA is an international network composed of more than 40 members and 3 associated states. The aim of this program is to support international cooperation between European industrial companies, research institutes and universities. It creates conditions for enhancing efficiency and competitiveness of the European industry in order to develop a common infrastructure for solving problems concerning more countries. The outcome of this projects are top-quality products, advanced technologies and services that are competitive in the market.