The statutory director of the OLTIS Group Company, Mr. Štefan Mestický, was elected as a member of the ACRI Presiding Board
On March 26, 2018, the ACRI General Assembly (the Association of the Czech Railway Industry) took place at the Grandior hotel in Prague. Within the meeting, the General Assembly elected the members of the ACRI Presiding Board and Mr. Štefan Mestický, the Statutory Director of OLTIS Group was elected as a member of the Board.
The ACRI Presiding Board will consist of the following representatives:
Josef Bárta, CZ LOKO
Zdeněk Chrdle, AŽD Praha
Zdeněk Malkovský, VÚKV
Štefan Mestický, OLTIS Group
Jaromír Šilhánek, ŠKODA ELECTRIC
Daniel Šotkovský, Třinecké železárny
Jakub Weimann, BONATRANS Group
We wish Mr. Mestický great success with his new role!