The OLTIS Group Company donated nano facemasks to the city of Olomouc

On Friday April 17, 2020, Mr. Mirek Žbánek, Major of Olomouc, received a gift from the OLTIS Group Company worth of CZK 50 thousand. It concerned 620 pieces of special FFP2 respirator masks, which will subsequently be given mainly to the healthcare professionals. Thus, the city of Olomouc continues to provide facemasks and respirators to the city’s inhabitants and especially to those in the so-called first line.
“We thought about how we could be beneficial therefore, we decided to support people in the front line,” said Mr. Miroslav Fukan, Executive Director of the company that creates software for transport. According to him, single used facemasks with an endurance of eight hours capture 95 percent of viral particles.
Major of Olomouc, Mr. Mirek Žbánek, confirmed that these masks will be distributed to the health care professionals and social workers. “These supplies will not stay in the warehouses for too long during the crisis,” said Mr. Mirek Žbánek, who appreciated the gift. “Suddenly, Mr. Mirek Fukan called me to inform me that some time ago we were discussing an event and corporate social responsibility that we would need. Due to the fact that we have respirators and disinfection from our own resources, we gave each other a high-five over these masks, “described Mayor Žbánek.
The textile material used for producing these masks was produced by Litvínov’s company Nanogroup, said Mr. Stanislav Koutný, the Marketing Director of OLTIS Group. The sewing was provided by a company from the automotive field.