TAF-TSI Implementation in Hungary started by OLTIS Group CEF project

On 19 September 2017, the European project „Implementation of TAF TSI at Hungarian private Railway undertakings of the consortium of the companies OLTIS Group, FLOYD and MMV was officially approved.
From the total number of 332 eligible proposals, 152 projects were selected, which will significantly contribute to digitalisation and decarbonisation of transport in the European Union. Approved projects will receive € 2, 6 billion of funding under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) fund. The funding rate of the projects varies from 20 to 50 % and the cohesion countries may receive a co-funding rate up to 85% of the eligible costs.
The successful project of the companies OLTIS Group, FLOYD and MMV will begin in January 2018 and will last for three years. The total budget is € 1, 25 million and it will be focused on the implementation of TAF TSI functionalities into the information systems of the Hungarian private operators.
The main objective of the project is the implementation of standards for TAF-TSI data exchange in information systems used by private rail operators for planning and operational support of their activities. The TAF-TSI (Regulation on the technical specification for interoperability relating to the Telematic applications for freight) requires that existing functionalities are enhanced by communication with infrastructure managers, cooperating operators and wagon keepers. The project aims to implement the above functionalities based on TAF-TSI so they can be effectively used by private operators.
This project aims to help private operators who have not yet used complex systems operated by large or national operators and who must now meet the requirements in terms of complexity of the required functionalities. The project will allow these private operators to achieve full interoperability when employing less costly but equally complex solutions compared to big national operators.