OLTIS Group involved in three new Shift2Rail projects

30. 9. 2018
Three new projects within European rail initiative promoting research and innovation are expected to be approved.
SPRINT – Semantics for PerfoRmant and scalable INteroperability of multimodal Transport
The main aim of SPRINT project is to improve IF performance and scalability to sustain a large deployment and simplify/automate all the necessary steps needed to integrate new services and sub-systems in the IP4 ecosystem.
In this project, OLTIS Group will mainly act as a leader of WP5 “Proof-of-concepts Implementation and Validation”. This will enable OLTIS Group to exploit its expertise and experience in development of converters based on the semantic interoperability, gained by its involvement in the previous IP4 projects, e.g. IT2Rail or ST4RT. OLTIS Group will also contribute to WP2, WP3, WP4 and WP6.
A total of 8 partners from 4 EU countries are involved in the project, including OLTIS Group.
The coordinator is UNIFE.
Shift2Maas – Shift2Rail IP4 enabling Mobility as a Service and seamless passenger experience
The main goal of Shift2MaaS is to support the uptake of the IP4 technology and overcome the technical and non-technical barriers for adoption of new integrated mobility platforms.
OLTIS Group will act as a leader of WP3 – “Operational design of demonstrations and support“ and will be a member of QAC (Quality Assurance Committee). The QAC will monitor the implementation of the project, monitor the effectiveness of the quality management systems and reassure the high quality of the project’s deliverables.
A total of 14 partners from 9 EU countries are involved in this project. When it comes to the Czech Republic, the project will be represented, alongside OLTIS Group, by the companies KORDIS JMK and RegioJet.
The coordinator is UITP.
ASSETS4RAIL – Measuring, monitoring and data handling for railway assets; bridges, tunnels, tracks and safety systems
The overall objective of Assets4rail is to contribute to the objective of IP3 of S2R which is to achieve cost efficient and reliable railway infrastructures.
Assets4Rail project is separated into two Workstreams, WS1 Tunnels and bridges (incl. noise) and WS2 Track, vehicles and safety systems.
The OLTIS Group is involved in WP7 – ”Train monitoring“ where it will use its RFID experience, in particular the development of RFID read / write solutions that are used in railway processes and systems.
The consortium is composed of 19 partners from 10 EU countries.
The coordinator is EURNEX.
All these projects will start on December 1, 2018 and will finish December 31, 2020.