OLTIS Group in Shift2Rail

The OLTIS Group Company jointed the biggest UNIFE activity – SHIFT2RAIL project in the frame of HORIZON 2020, which is going to be transformed in the JTI (Joint Technology Initiative). The aim of this initiative is the implementation of EU 2020 objectives for smart, sustainable and balanced growth of all transport modes. SHIFT2RAIL project focuses on the development of rail transport by successive innovations of means of transport, freight transport, traffic management and infrastructure. More information about the project can be found HERE.
By signing the Memorandum of Understanding for the industrial members in February 2013 OLTIS Group became officially the associate founding member of SHIFT2RAIL. OLTIS Group is involved in the IP 4 (IT solutions for a seamless railway) and IP 5 (Technologies for sustainable and attractive European freight) and is ready in this way to participate in building the railway of the future.
Through its participation in this project OLTIS Group is able not only to be part of the process of shaping the future form of railway technologies but also have first-hand information on trends and on prepared regulations or legislation changes, which in turn can be translated into its products and services.