IT2Rail project approved by the European Commission

IT2Rail project is a successful project within the first call of the Horizon 2020 program focused on the development of IT solutions in the field of passenger transport. IT2Rail project is dedicated to solutions for multimodal transport, its seamlessness and sustainability. A consortium of companies will be handling the project. In total, there are 27 subjects from 9 European countries. The project will run in 2015 – 2017.
The coordinator of the whole consortium is UNIFE. OLTIS Group is involved in 7 out of 9 work packages. In addition it acts as a leader of the WP4 working package, in which the main and key part of the work will be done by OLTIS Group via the application Trip Tracker.
IT2Rail will be developing a concept of tickets based on interoperability of various types of transport. The final aim is to enable the passenger to book and pay the ticket with a single click; thus the solution should include a complete multimodal travelling solution throughout various transportation systems and providers (rail, city, air transport). The passengers obtain the access (electronic authorization or a link to it) immediately; this will be associated with their unique identifier. It will be possible to read these electronic authorizations throughout their whole multimodal travel with appropriate authentication devices, with the use of smart phone, for instance.
Attention will also be paid to fulfilment of special needs and preferences of the passenger. For this purpose, a number of sub-applications will be developed, including Travel Shopper, Ticketing, Trip Tracker and Travel Companion.