EUREKA Project E!6725 REAL-Bridge with excellent final results

The OLTIS Group companies are traditionally successful in EUREKA research and development projects supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. Based on conditions in Grant Agreements, for each ongoing or finishing project an Evaluation Committee meeting must be organised every January to show and prove the project results of the previous year.
Within the final evaluation, this year the EUREKA project E!6725 REAL-Bridge has been successfully presented and evaluated. The project was coordinated by the company JERID in 2012–2015. The aim of this project was to develop a central database information system with required information and code-lists supporting the Eurasian rail freight transportation as a sustainable mode of transport, friendly to the environment, in the direction East-West based on international transportation regime CIM/SMGS.
The evaluators marked the final results of the project as “Excellent”!
The software application includes currently 83 modules:
- Information modules (List of goods, List of stations, Wagon catalogues etc.), Service modules (Code-lists, Exchange rate, etc.), Railway infrastructure (Track’s parameters, Mileage etc.), Tariff distances (DIUM, TR-4, operators), Tariff prices (basic tariffs and own prices), Library of regulations in English, German, Czech, Polish and French (COTIF, AVV etc.), Transport documents (Consignment note CIM/CIV, CIM/SMGS etc.), Other modules (RailMap, Monitoring, Update history etc.)
Web services:
- Information about a position of railway station, Searching for the nearest railway station for entered coordinates, Calculation of the shortest railway distance for entered list of stations, Calculation of railway distance for entered list of coordinates (mileage), Information about parameters of entered track section
DLL modules and procedures:
- List of goods, Tariff distance, List of railway stations, Basic forwarder’s tariffs, Union tariffs for international transportation, Additional fees to basic and union tariffs
The program EUREKA is one of the instruments of the European strategy and cooperation in the field of applied and industrial research and innovation activities. The aim of the program is to promote international cooperation between European industrial companies, research institutes and universities, and to create conditions for enhancing of efficiency and competitiveness of European industry and for development of common infrastructure.