Crisis Working Regime

Dear business partners, friends,
with the aim to prevent COVID-19 from spreading, the OLTIS Group’s management has implemented, since 16 March 2020, the so-called “crisis working regime” – measures and steps securing the continual running of Group companies, the fulfilment of work tasks, the provision of services, and the execution of projects. Throughout the crisis working regime, work tasks shall be fulfilled under a combined regime of home office workers, for whom we have adjusted technical means with sufficient VPN throughput, and workers operating under limited regime in the offices of the Company’s headquarters and individual branches.
We, the OLTIS Group, fully respect the legislative measures of the Government of the Czech Republic, the Central and Regional Crisis Staffs, or the National Security Council as well as the legislative measures of the countries in which the OLTIS Group branches operate. We are adopting them
to protect our workers and you, our business partners. We are adopting all these measures to overcome the current epidemiologic situation in the Czech Republic, while, at the same time, preserving the maximum possible quality of work of OLTIS Group companies and eliminating problems and losses.
We would like to assure you that all OLTIS Group companies and employees are operating at full tilt despite the current crisis conditions and we are trying to make sure that the arisen situation does not affect the quality of our services. Great emphasis is placed on securing the operation of the data centre, as a crisis infrastructure element, and providing our customers with information system operation support.
For this reason, we are asking you, our business partners, for cooperation and understanding and are inviting you to contact us electronically, including the electronic sending of accounting documents, should you have any inquiries or need assistance with any operational issues.
Thank you very much!
We wish you lots of health and physical and mental strength in these difficult times and believe we will jointly handle everything in the simultaneous observance of the security principles and mutual respect and understanding.
Best regards,
Štefan Mestický m. p.
Statutory Director