CID Golf Cup in Šilheřovice

CID International, a member of the OLTIS Group Company, is one of the companies organizing golf tournaments as a part of the GOLF RAIL IT TOUR (GRITT) 2017. CID organized the individual golf tournament CID Golf Cup for its friends and business partners on Thursday, 27 July 2017 in Park Golf Club Ostrava, Dolní 412, Šilheřovice.
Results of the tournament:
Category Bronze – Common (HCP 34,1 – 54,0)
- Hana Hrbáčová (Innoservice)
- Jozef Benko (ŽSSK)
- Hana Vildomcová
Category Silver – Common (HCP 24,1– 34,0)
- Martin Pech
- Štefan Mestický (Oltis Group)
- Vlastimil Kožej (CID International)
Category Gold – Common ( HCP 0 – 24,0)
- Jakub Szurlej (Schavemaker Invest)
- Milan Feranec (Ministerstvo dopravy ČR)
- Jakub Kožej
Nearest to the pin from the Hole No. 7
Tomáš Janša (CID International) 7,1 m
Longest drive man from the Hole no. 13
Marian Bujok (OPTOMONT)
Longest drive woman from the Hole No. 13
Elen Hrbáčová (Innoservice)
We would like to thank all winners and competitors for their active participation!