The annual conference EURO-ZEL 2012, the 20th anniversary conference „Recent challenges for European railways” was held at the University of Zilina between 5th and 6th June 2012 under the auspices of CETRA Slovakia and with the support of the European Commission.
In comparison with last year, this symposium was attended by only about 80 people (but still more than 10 different countries were represented). Therefore the decrease in the number of paticipants is quite significant.
In spite of this fact the program of 35 speeches was divided this year again to the following sections: Control Systems, Locating Systems, Applications of Simulation Methods, Construction and Maintenance of Infrastructure, Services for Passenger Rail Transport, Railway Operation and Construction. The contributions came from both the practical experience of the participating companies (Bombardier, GERB, OG…), but to the greater degree from the academic research and simulations supported by European funds (University of Zilina, CTU, University of Pardubice, University of Belgrade, TU Vienna)