New OLTIS Slovakia headquarters address
Dear business partners,
Please be advised that effective from 16 March, 2024, the headquarters of OLTIS Slovakia, s.r.o. is moving to a new address. Starting on this date, the new headquarters, mailing, and delivery address of OLTIS Slovakia, s.r.o. is changing to Tomášikova 31, 821 01 Bratislava. All other company information (ID, tax ID, banking details, contact information of employees, etc.) remain unchanged.
Moving the headquarters has no effect on rights and obligations of OLTIS Slovakia towards its business partners, or in turn their rights and obligation towards OLTIS Slovakia. There are no changes in any existing contracts. Moving the headquarters of the company does not necessitate signing amendments for existing contracts. All new business correspondence, orders, invoices, contracts and other communication with OLTIS Slovakia from 16 March, 2024 must use the new address of the company headquarters.
Therefore we kindly ask you to use exclusively the new address of the company headquarters for any communication from 16 March, 2024, and the address is Tomášikova 31, 821 01 Bratislava.